All across the Midwest, businesses are beginning to reopen their doors since the coronavirus outbreak. As they do so, it’s important that social distancing and proper sanitizing guidelines are highly encouraged. To assist in this fight, we’ve compiled a list of 10 businesses that could immediately benefit by using Sani-Stands to help keep their employees, customers, and everyday patrons safe.
Golf Courses
Among many businesses, golf courses have seen a dramatic change to the game during the pandemic. As golf courses reopen, members and guests alike will most likely notice a change in their golf cart, ball washing, bunker raking, and pro shop policies.
While golf is seen as the optimal “social-distancing sport,” the use of hand sanitizer stands can aid in the compliance of these new guidelines, all while continuing to keep everyone safe.
Consider this piece of advice from Forbes Magazine where Dr. Kelly Cawcutt, Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska said, “Precaution is the name of the game. It’s very reasonable to play if you are smart about it and follow the proper guidance.”
To aide in this precaution, consider setting up Sani-Stands by doorways, common areas, and greens for maximum disinfection.

It should come as no surprise that as restaurants and pubs re-open for dine-in services, the use of hand sanitizers by customers is going to be higher than ever. According to the National Restaurant Association, “It’s important to make sure hand sanitizer is readily available to guests.” They also mention, “Thank them for their patience as you work to ensure their safety.” As service-based industries are a major touchpoint for the general public, maintaining proper hygiene will go a long way in helping to flatten the curve. Portable handwashing stations may be the ideal option here as they seek to open their outdoor eating areas with limited access to inside restrooms.
Gas Stations
Fueling up at a gas station has always been a germaphobe’s nightmare, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. According to UPI news, a study conducted by Kimberly-Clark Professional, the gas pump is actually one of the most contaminated surfaces in American cities and it appears that very little is being done here.
While gloves are often misused and do more harm than good, the best practice for hygiene at the pump is having clean hands, before and after use. For this to actually work, sanitizer dispensers would have to be placed within 4-5 feet of the pump within the customer’s line of sight. Hand Sanitizer stands could be the solution, providing readily available sanitizer when needed to help slow the spread.
Retail Stores & Malls
In recent months, the general public has become very aware of how companies have adapted to the coronavirus pandemic, especially malls and retailers. The way people shop was once an afterthought for some of these businesses, but now they’re taking note of how customers sift their way around stores and touching products.
From shopping carts to doorknobs, even to your valuables, the germs from their hands have spread to surfaces across your store. To combat this issue and fight the spread of the virus, Sani-stands can be made readily available to your customers, wherever they may be within your facilities. From main entrances to aisle end caps, showing you’re trying to make a difference can me wonders for your brand and increase overall brand loyalty with customers.
Schools and Daycares
Limited class sizes, temperature checks, facemasks, oh my! Heading back to school and daycare poses new rules like never seen before. As kids learn through all five senses, physical touch included, the reopening of schools and daycares need to take extra measures when it comes to social distancing and sanitizing.
One way to promote constant hand hygiene amongst the kiddos is by placing hand sanitizer stations throughout hallways, classrooms, lunchrooms, and playgrounds. Encourage your little learners to be proactive about proper hand hygiene by using hand sanitizer before and after picking up books, playing with toys, eating snacks, and before and after leaving their desks.
Salons & Barbershops
That post-quarantine haircut can’t come soon enough! In a profession where physical touch is required, taking all of the necessary precautions will help limit the spread of the virus upon reopening. According to NBC 5 News, a salon in Northwest Indiana recently reopened and took precautions to a whole new level. Beyond requiring the use of hand sanitizer as soon as customers walk in the door, they also get their temperatures taken and are required to wear a mask.
Churchs & Places of Worship
As many faith leaders have adapted their services to online live-streaming, talks of congregations coming together again are now in the works. While adhering to social distancing guidelines in places of worship, church leaders should take necessary action to have hand sanitizer placed at church entrances and around common areas whenever possible.
Sporting Leagues
While we’re all a little bummed by the cancellation of major league sports this season, youth and local community sports teams are still working toward getting kids out on the field this summer.
According to a recent Morning Consult poll, 43% of youth sports programs said they expect to return between June and August. While organizers are still hashing out plans on how to safely return to the game, one thing is certain, keeping hand sanitizer available in spaces without hand washing stations are a must. Parents and spectators are among those that will also be required to practice social distancing and proper hand hygiene at their player’s events.
To aid in this process, consider placing Sani-Stands throughout the field or stadium to promote proper hygiene throughout the months.
Farmers Markets
As farmers markets welcome shoppers back to their stands, layouts will most likely look a little different this year. From setting up their stands six feet apart and having guests wear masks, they’re doing their part to promote an overall healhier shopping experience.
Since farmers markets largely revolve around physical touch, keeping clean hands is important to the health of vendors and customers. A Guide to Navigate Farmers Markets during COVID-19 by Purdue University says to, “ensure that all vendor booths at least have hand sanitizer to minimize the spread of COVID-19.”
Entertainment Centers
Families everywhere are ready to break out of quarantine and let out some energy at their favorite entertainment centers. As your facility opens back up to the public, adhering to the CDC guidelines will be the new focus of your business. Not only should all game machines, bowling balls, and other equipment be constantly sanitized, but also your guests.
Retail Customer Experience states, “Washing your hands or using hand sanitizer is an effective way of minimizing the risk of contracting the coronavirus and many other illnesses too.” A useful starting point is setting up hand sanitizing stations across higher traffic areas of your entertainment center, like entry points, in arcades, or other high traffic areas.