Determined to Deliver

Portable Toilets Invade Chicago Park

If you’ve driven down Lake Shore Drive near Grant Park during these past few weeks you’ve probably noticed that the landscape and terrain has changed drastically. What you probably haven’t noticed is construction crews have actually been working vigorously during these cold winter months to complete phase one of the new Maggie Daley Park.

The New Park Design…

This new 20 acre park is set to open in early spring of 2015 and will transform the current location into a new hilly landscape that is sure to impress. This includes the addition of several rock-climbing sculptures, a unique play garden and an ice-skating ribbon during the winter months. Park architects say the goal of this park will be to establish itself as an innovative play space for both locals and tourists alike, bringing a new look and feel to Chicago’s historic lakefront.

SSI named official provider…

As you can imagine, we were thrilled when we received the call to become the official restroom provider for this landmark project. During the upcoming months, our union service technicians will work hand in hand with construction crews to ensure that all of their sanitation needs are met. This includes the delivery and servicing of portable toilets, hand wash stations and single unit trailers.  We are also committed to providing services that are not only convenient, but low in cost to help keep things on budget. These important services will work to increase worker productivity and keep working conditions sanitary throughout the duration of the project.

Tune your eyes to blue…

Next time you pass through the Grant Park corridor on Lake Shore Drive, be sure to tune your eyes to blue and see if you can spot the dozens of Chicago Portable Toilets that are on-site. You might be surprised to see how many restrooms it takes to keep a project of this scale sanitary.