Empowering The American Worker

How a Porta Potty Can Make An Impact

For Tony, a Local 1 Ironworker Foreman in Chicago, safety and convenience aren’t just added bonuses to a successful construction project—they are complete necessities.

Each morning, Tony transfers and raises porta potties on a crane lift to the story his team is working on. While a crane sets, hoists, shakes and sets the steel to form the foundation of a building or skyscraper, it also sets the pace for the project. And working quickly is crucial for the team. For ironworkers, having accessible restrooms on their level makes the difference between having an efficient day or not.

“For a sixty story building, imagine if you had to go down 50 floors every time you had to use the restroom. A lot of times the elevators take 15 minutes coming down and up. That’s a waste of time,” Tony said.

Raising the restrooms in the morning cuts down on time and also improves safety. The Fatal Four Hazards within the industry are falls, crushed by, struck by or caught between, particularly concerning steel accidents. A crane lift restroom helps prevent these dangers. That way, workers are not operating elevators to get to ground level or entering floors to use potential indoor facilities. These maneuvers could lead to fatal falls or a worker caught between iron and wall.

Working in the industry for 20 years, Tony has seen both safety and technological changes. At one point in his career, he didn’t have to wear a harness or even safety glasses. But accidents and other instances lead to precautionary measures like safer working conditions and efficient and convenient tools like the crane lift restroom.

Just like the construction and steel trade has progressed, the portable sanitation industry has also evolved. The changing needs in the construction field inspire our restroom designs and features and allow us to serve our customers better.

For ironworking professionals like Tony, construction efficiency relies on having the tools to do a construction project well, safe and fast. And we have the restroom solutions to make that possible.